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Emergency Display Cabinet Hinge Repair for a Storefront

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Emergency Display Cabinet Hinge Repair for a Storefront

West Village

Scope of Work:

Paragon Security recently received a call to our 24/7 emergency phone line requesting immediate service at a local storefront that had a broken display cabinet hinge. Without the hinge, the cabinet could not be secured, thus leaving valuable merchandise at risk of theft. Our emergency technician quickly dispatched to evaluate the situation. While the technician determined that the customer would need to wait for a custom-ordered hinge to fit the cabinet for a full fix, he also ensured the cabinet could be secured for business operations in the meantime through a temporary fix of securing the broken hinge in a new way. Our solution guaranteed the business could go back to regular operations, even while waiting for the new part.

Property Information:

Location: West Village, Manhattan, NYC


Custom-made glass cabinet door hinge

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